Barista preparation course
Establish yourself in an Australian workplace with this lightning-fast, practical course which will leave you ready to enter the Australian workforce!
Through a mix of high-quality barista training, industry-specific English lessons, nationally recognised professional training modules, and either simulated or of real-world experience in the school’s onsite facilities – the course will provide you with all the skills you need to become a barista in Australia and the rest of the world!.
Upon graduation, you’ll receive an English certificate for customer service skills and two units of competency from the National Register on Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Australia. Both of these, combined with your course-mandated work experience, will make you a high-demand candidate when job-hunting in Australia.
Overall this is perfect for students who are visiting Australia on a Student Visa or Working Holiday visa and don’t want to waste any time before entering the Australian workforce with the skills they need to thrive.